Triangle Swing Dance Society Swing Dance


7:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Carrboro Century Center bad
100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Triangle Swing Dance Society (TSDS)  has dances to live bands on Saturday nights with an occasional DJ night. There is no set schedule but usually the first Saturday of each month is at Murphy School. The third Saturday is at the Carrboro Century Center or Murphy School. There are infrequent 2nd or 4th Sat dances. You should check the website to find if and where the dance is and the bands are also listed.

Dances have a live swing band except for an occasional DJ’d event. There is a lesson at 7 and people wishing to attend should arrive at 6:45 to get through the line. Dance is 8-11.

Admission: $15 for non members $11 for members and students. (DJ events are $10 and $7).

More information on TSDS website and at their Facebook page.

Pictures are of Murphey School

Last checked for accuracy on 1/1/2020